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Spring is on the way!

The days are slowly getting longer and it won’t be long until the temperatures start to rise and Spring will be here. This means growing season for your lawn and August is a great time to start getting everything ready to ensure your lawn is in tip top condition for enjoying through the warmer months. Read below for things you can look at now. Until the soil temperatures warm up more, we recommend holding off on the fertilising, scarifying and top dressing for now as most lawns won’t have emerged from their winter dormancy yet. If you are looking at getting turf laid or growing a lawn from seed, now is a great time to get stuck in!

Your lawn mower – now is a good time to give your trusty lawn mower a service to make sure everything is running smoothly and to get your blades sharpened. Sharp blades are a big part of having a healthy lawn and should be sharpened at least once a year. If you have raised the level of your lawn mower for winter mowing, you may want to lower it again.

Aeration – this involves breaking up the soil allowing it to become more porous so that oxygen, nutrients and water can penetrate down to your lawn’s root system. This is especially important for high traffic areas where the soil may have been compacted. Aeration can be done manually with a fork or strapping on a pair of special aerating shoes. Alternatively you can hire a machine or a professional to do it for you. If you do decide to aerate, make sure you are mindful of any under turf irrigation you may have.

Weed control – the warmer temperatures don’t just benefit our lawns and gardens unfortunately, they also signal growth for weeds. Now is a good time to think about your weed control for the coming months. You might like to consider applying a pre-emergent which will help with weed control before their seedlings emerge. Pre-emergents work well with annual weeds. Perennial weeds such as Dandelions require a post-emergent or you can try removing these by hand. Before purchasing any herbicide, please read the label thoroughly to make sure that it will be compatible with your lawn type.

Watering – we have been lucky in Adelaide this winter to have had plenty of rain so most soils are currently very well hydrated. An Adelaide spring can quickly dry out your soil so it can be a good time to check over your irrigation system if you have one. Make sure that everything is running smoothly, no parts need replacing and that there are no blockages or leaks.

If you need any assistance with lawn maintenance our team is always happy to help and you are welcome to give us a call on 1300 571 154. We can offer one off services and monthly seasonal maintenance packages.

Spring is on the way - Completed
Spring is on the way - Grass

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